About Us

What is Hesed?

Hesed is more than just a word; it represents the very essence of God’s loving-kindness and compassion. Rooted in the Hebrew language, Hesed encompasses the qualities of unwavering loyalty, mercy, grace, and selfless love. It embodies acts of kindness and generosity that go beyond what is expected or deserved, reflecting the abundant and limitless nature of God’s love.

At The Hesed Alliance, we are inspired and have been forever changed by this profound concept. Our mission is to extend the same spirit of Hesed to those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. We seek to create a space where survivors can find solace and empowerment on their journey towards wholeness. 

But there’s more to the story behind the name of The Hesed Alliance. It holds a deeper significance, a tale that we would be happy to share with you! So, let’s connect, engage in conversation, and discover the beautiful narrative that unfolds behind the name. The journey of Hesed awaits, and we invite you to be a part of it.

Meet Marion Mann . . .

She is the spirited visionary behind The Hesed Alliance! Drawing from her own personal journey through the reporting process of childhood sexual abuse and subsequent healing through the gift of Hesed, Marion’s creative juices started flowing, and The Hesed Alliance was born!

Marion is like a whirlwind of creativity and passion, with a sprinkle of quirkiness thrown in for good measure. She graduated summa cum laude from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education and had a very successful tenure teaching middle school band in the NC public schools system. Currently, Marion is pursuing her Master’s in clinical mental health and is enrolled in Duke’s non-profit management program. Marion is also a Credentialed Survivor Advocate (NACP# : N39-468-8019).

She is a perpetual learner, constantly seeking new ideas, insights, and skills to enhance her already impressive repertoire of hobbies. From her uncanny ability to transform anything into a beautifully crafted spreadsheet to coordinating events, she effortlessly brings order to chaos. Her attention to detail and meticulous approach ensures that every task is executed with precision and efficiency.

But beneath the creative powerhouse exterior lies a heart that beats for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Marion is driven by an unwavering commitment to advocate for these survivors, providing them with the resources and support they need to heal and thrive. She blends her imaginative mind with genuine compassion, crafting innovative solutions that make a real difference in the lives of others.

So buckle up and get ready to join Marion on this exhilarating adventure of hesed!

Meet the Hesed Board

Nicole Wallenfelsz (Treasurer)

Nicole Wallenfelsz currently serves as the Director of Finance for The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM). With prior experience as the Director of Member Relations at the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability (ECFA), Nicole brings a wealth of financial expertise to The Hesed Alliance.Armed with an MBA and a background as a CPA, Nicole’s professional qualifications are impressive. Her and her family reside outside of Winchester, VA where they are active in their community and local church.

Bonnie Wetzel (Secretary)

Soon to be Dr. Wetzel, Bonnie is currently pursuing a doctorate in community care specializing in traumatology at Liberty University. Bonnie has over 30 years of experience in ministry and more than a decade as the founder and director of 70×7 Ministries, a Christian trauma-informed private practice located in Raleigh, NC, she has accumulated a wealth of practical knowledge and skills. Bonnie uplifts and empowers those around her. In the world of The Hesed Alliance, Bonnie is the ultimate cheerleader for Marion and the entire Hesed team.

Keith Myer

Keith Myer has been serving as the pastor of Harvest Baptist Church in Salisbury, Maryland, since 2007.  He has a heart for serving survivors within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). He serves as the Chair of the BCM/D Sexual Abuse Reform Task Force and is a trustee of Gateway Seminary in California, one of the six SBC affiliated seminaries. Keith raised over $16,000 to enable several sexual abuse survivors to attend the SBC Annual Convention in New Orleans in 2023. At the 2022 SBC Annual Meeting, he made a motion, which was passed, to add Caring Well Sunday to the SBC’s annual calendar.

Shanon Cheney

Shanon Cheney has a wealth of experience in serving faith communities and a profound commitment to supporting survivors. She has been the Teaching Leader of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) evening women in Rocky Mount, NC since 2007. She also plays a vital role as a Women’s Ministry leader at Redeemer Church in Rocky Mount, NC. Shanon has a certificate in biblical counseling through the Association of Biblical Counselors. Shanon has been an invaluable support to Marion over the past couple of years, offering biblical wisdom and prayerful guidance. 

Missy Garriss

Missy Garriss, once a Corporate Director in HR at Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta, heard the Lord’s call to serve and minister through counseling. She answered this calling in 2005 by attending the Psychological Studies Institute (now Richmont Graduate University) where she received her Masters in Professional Counseling. Specializing in trauma and complex grief, Missy has committed her life to serving those who are underserved and those who feel unheard and unseen – including pregnant young women at the Christian Life Home in Raleigh and later founding and directing WorthMore, Inc. in Orange County, VA where she received the Victim’s Advocate Award in 2019. Along with her heart for the marginalized, she also has a wealth of knowledge and experience in Inner Healing and Spiritual Formation.

Rob Wetzel

Rob Wetzel serves as the Executive Director of Liberty Church Network, leading pastors, churches, chaplains, and disciple-makers in their commitment to the great commission. He is also the owner of 70×7 Homes, a family business specializing in quality construction in North Carolina. Rob has successfully managed over 150 construction projects since 2005. His dual roles highlight his expertise in both church leadership and project management. 

Our Guiding Principles

Explore how the Hesed Alliance’s Christ-centered mission seeks to prevent personal and institutional violence against adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, while also advocating for and equipping faith communities to support survivors.


We have 5 core values at the center of all of our work:


Our mission is to support survivors of childhood sexual abuse through equipping faith communities with resources and tools to care well.