We are a faith-based non-profit dedicated to supporting survivors of childhood sexual abuse through equipping faith communities with the resources and tools needed to care well. Join us on this journey of compassion, understanding, and empowerment as we strive to create a world where survivors find solace, faith communities become safe havens, and hesed abounds.

Our Values

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We are guided by a commitment to Christ-centered values that inform everything we do. We seek to embody His love and compassion through our actions and to faithfully pursue our mission of healing, restoration, and prevention.


We recognize the immense strength and courage it takes to share one's story and seek healing, and we commit to honoring that trust by ensuring that survivors are always at the forefront of our work.


We prioritize advocating for the rights and needs of survivors, with a commitment to challenging systemic and institutional forms of violence and oppression that perpetuate harm.


We provide faith communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to care well for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. By combining education with equipping, we strive to empower communities to make a meaningful and lasting impact, fostering a culture of compassion, understanding, and support.


We believe that true healing can only happen within supportive communities, and we work to create spaces where survivors can find belonging, connection, and support.


For Survivors

We offer survivor-centered support services, groups, resourcing, advocacy, and educational resources designed to help survivors on their healing journey.

For Organizations

We provide training and consultation to help equip churches and faith communities to respond to the unique needs of survivors, promote prevention and awareness, and create safe and gospel-centered spaces for all people.


Our research focuses on the impact of childhood sexual and spiritual abuse on survivors and identifying effective healing strategies and best practices for prevention and response. We also provide resources and training to organizations.

Get Involved

Your support is vital in helping us fulfill our mission. By joining forces with The Hesed Alliance, you can make a lasting impact and contribute to positive change.

There are various ways you can support us:

  1. Donate: Your financial contributions directly fund our programs and initiatives, providing essential resources and support to survivors and faith based communities. Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a meaningful difference.

  2. Spread Awareness: Share our message and raise awareness about the importance of supporting survivors of abuse. Follow us on social media, share our posts, and engage with our content to help amplify our cause.

  3. Partner with Us: If you represent a church, faith-based organization, or community group,  or have skills or resources that could further our mission, please consider partnering with us to create a robust network of support. Together, we can make a greater impact and empower communities to respond effectively to those in need.

  4. Volunteer: Become a part of our dedicated team by volunteering your time and skills. Whether it’s assisting with events, offering professional expertise, or helping raise awareness, your involvement is invaluable.

  5. In-Kind Donations: In addition to monetary contributions, we also appreciate in-kind donations such as supplies, equipment, or services that can support our programs and operations.

Your support enables us to provide critical assistance, resources, and education to survivors and faith-communities. To learn more about how you can support The Hesed Alliance, please contact us. We are grateful for your support!